What Learners are saying
Reviews from children and adults on Learning Allowed - formerly Equipping Kids - programming and projects
"Equipping kids - now Learning Allowed - have breathed new life into our school. We are on the journey for giving them the skills to navigate life, not a text book. The bespoke, knowledgeable, research-based approach of Equipping Kids allows us to do this; to find solutions but most importantly all be ourselves. There is no 'lunchbox' of tricks, just knowledgeable, passionate professionals who want to maximize the opportunities for every child to make a difference."
Philip Grey - Principal, Hertfordshire
"I think it will help me because it helps me communicate with adults better."
From Children
"What it means for the children, is that they now have the ability to apply and even synthesise ways of implementing the learning attributes (metacognitive tools) in all facets of their learning and socialisation."
Duncan Roberts, Head - Little Green
"We get to inspire each other with fun activities."
From Children
"The impact has transformed the adults in school to see themselves as partners in learning rather than learning that is something that is done to children."
Hannah Trickett - Head, Maple Cross
"The exploring helps us with our learning because if you explain people could add on or they can help you with what you are struggling on."
From Children
"The methods used by equipping kids to gather tangible qualitative data and make visible the learning process have enabled staff and governors to value priorities that are 'hard to evidence' and as a result maintain sustained focus on longer term changes to ethos and culture in the school, such as a focus on developing growth mindsets and developing pupils as learners."
Simon King - Head, Dundale
"It makes me feel more confident."
From Children
"The shared language for the school has impacted on learning because it has ensured there are consistent messages coming through to the children and this continues throughout the school. As such, they have a greater awareness of our expectations and independence in their learning. The work on increasing engagement has obviously had a positive impact on learning as the children are more enthusiastic in lessons and want to contribute more."
Emily Birch - Bead, Galley Hill
"So I can work with a partner, be confident, overcome challenge and be creative."
From Children
"The SLT have a much clearer understanding of their roles I responsibilities and how their leadership within these roles fits in to the overall strategic leadership of the school so that priorities are addressed; staff feel empowered to make improvement and there is an ongoing cycle of self-reflection and improvement. Leadership capacity therefore has been enhanced."
Jane Woods - Head, Woodlands
"We have discovered more about everything we can do. We believe in ourselves more."
From Children
"We have seen school communities change and blossom with this approach and children achieve what they would never have been capable of without it. Adults who lacked the confidence to work with specific learning difficulties become very successful. Above all, in order to create change you have to have integrity and a belief that this change will be worthwhile at the very heart of what you do. This approach has been many years in the making because Sam and John will not settle for second best for the children and adults in our schools, they have worked tirelessly to learn from previous work, reflect and then move forward. Quite simply it works!"
Sally Bishop - Director of Teaching Schools, Aspire Academies Trust