Chapter 11 - The individual as a Connected Learner

In this episode we respond further to those questions (1) Who is a learner? (2) What is learning for? (3) How can we allow learning? to define our ability to navigate our own learning environments and adapt to some of the current changes that the world is facing.

Through these episodes, we have suggested that ourselves as learners – our learning identity – reflects a continuum that extends between connection and disconnection. Although a sense of disconnection can be pervasive and distort our ability to be positive, for example, the learner who says “I am rubbish at art...”, what we have shown is that it need not be defining.

Our ambition has been to awaken an awareness of the connected learner and the possibilities for making a ‘shift’ that allows us to establish, restore and maintain a high level of learning connectivity. It moves us from “I am rubbish at art...” towards “Wow look at all these colours, this is how I could match them!”. To make this shift, we have to invest in ourselves, recognising our value, voice and vision.


Chapter 10 - Inspire lead learners


Chapter 12 - Enduring connections - Learning Allowed