Exam season!

It is revision season for many taking exams. Of my 4 children - 3 are going through this process right now (2 with national exams this summer). The pressure is very real! 

  • They know that the results from these exams count. They are very aware that these results are the only representation of the effort they have put in during the year and are worried that not doing so well will make their teachers think they did not try and make then feel like they failed.

  • The exams have consequences attached to them. Whether those are choices about which university or sixth form to attend or which set/ stream they will find themselves in from September. 

  • There is obvious peer pressure. They want to do as well as their friends think they should!

All of this is complicated by the fact that - we don't know what they need to know! Not only is some of the subject matter beyond us (A level physics is not my strong point) it can be hard for us to know what they need to focus on so we can help with planning or prioritising their revision. Add to this the ‘volume’ of learning - making revision seem never ending - and it makes for a rather fraught household!  

In our house we have been talking a lot about sporting analogies. Revision session = training session. 

A training session works best when …

  • You don’t start tired and have a positive mindset.

  • You have a clear sense of purpose - you know what you need to achieve.

  • There is a clear start and finish.

  • You are able to reach a goal or target.

  • You accept that some training sessions are better than others.

It made me think about the process model we use in Learning Allowed…

Have an Idea: what is the focus of the session

Talk, Listen and Plan: what do you know already, what do you need to know (where can you get that information), set out a timetable.

Give it a Go: put the plan into action

Keep on Learning: reflect on what you achieved and set goals for next time.

Is it working? I will let you know. 

Do share your thoughts and ideas here.


Financing a Learning Movement


Framing the ideas