Time for a reset

In England the new school year has also ushered in a change to the criteria used for assessing schools. Ofsted (the Office for Standards in Education) have indicated a desire to ensure that dealing with inclusion, disadvantage and vulnerability is a more visible priority. The talk of the need to ‘reset’, ‘refine’ and ‘rebuild’ - sets a tone for an improved relationship with schools. 

The assessment body is a critical part of the infrastructure that shapes school experiences and those opportunities that lie ahead of all learners in formal education this year. It is, therefore, my hope that this reset involves energising a passion for learning. 

Too many learners are disconnected from their potential. Learning is perceived as an activity designed, controlled and directed by adults. One's status as a learner becomes defined by how one believes they match, or not, the targets and expectations created by others. 

Group of children chatting with one another in a classroom

Any reset needs to involve a conversation!

LEARN 2030 is our invitation to invite learners and educators from around the world to create a reset moment to evaluate whether the ‘tone’ we have created for learning in our communities maximises the opportunities for all learners. 

Group of adults sitting a in a circle having a dicussion

It is from this foundation that we can address disconnection

as we are all invited to recognise that being a learner is not something we do at certain time and in certain places - but it is actually part of who we are.


It asks a simple question:

What does learning mean to you and your community?”

Get started by watching this video!

[Image credit:s Max Fischer and RDNE Stock project respectively on pexels.com]


Children as Change Makers


A New Academic Year